Hamas Officially Asked to Form New Government

Ismael Haniah, the Palestinian prime minister-designated said Hamas seeks to form a coalition government with all powers of the Palestinian Legislative Council. Meanwhile, the US stepped up its policy against Hamas, especially in respect of funds.
’Hamas will consider the formal letter authorizing to form a government and will reply to it soon,’ said Haniah in a press conference following a meeting with the Palestinian Authority Chairman on Tuesday. 
According to al-Jazeera Channel, the letter stresses the need for forming a government that adheres to the prior agreements of the PA and sticks to negotiations and other political channels to solve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
’We welcome all Palestinian technocrats to set up a government that gains the confidence of the parliament and  takes up responsibility in this challenging stage,’ Haniah added. He indicated that Hamas is eager to have Fatah in the government.
Haniah said he discussed with PA chairman the political, economical, security issues and the preparations for the new government. He condemned the military escalation of the Israeli forces saying ’this policy should end because it will not break the popular will’.
Reuters cited Haniah, held pragmatic by many, saying he will examine the letter before yielding to its requests. Hamas dated Wednesday to begin its first talks with Fatah over the coalition government.
Meanwhile, the Independent Palestine Party, occupies two parliamentary seats, agreed to join the incoming Hamas-led government.
Haniah told reporters in Gaza he will not dismantle the military wing of Hamas and join militants to the security apparatus, saying it is too early to talk about such matter since occupation is still ongoing.    
In Tehran, Khaled Meshal, Hamas Political Bureau Chief, said: “Talking to Israel is a waste of time as long as there is no talk about withdrawing from Palestine.” Iran would play an increasing role in Palestinian affairs”, he added.
On the other hand, the American President still persists that Hamas should not be funded till recognizes Israel’s right to exist and turns into ’a peace partner’, as Bush termed.
It is worth mentioning that the cash-strapped PA suffers from an economic squeeze when Israel withheld monthly tax payments.