Haneyya condemns Israeli closure of charities, accuses Ramallah of collusion

Haneyya condemns Israeli closure of charities, accuses Ramallah of collusion

GAZA, (PIC)– Ismail Haneyya, the premier of the PA caretaker government, condemned on Wednesday the Israeli closure of dozens of charities and civil institutions in the West Bank.


During his visit to the ministry of endowments and religious affairs, Haneyya told reporters that the PA leadership and its unconstitutional government in Ramallah is an accomplice in the Israeli war on charitable institutions where the PA had already closed more than 100 charities and orphanages.


The premier described the Israeli closure of about 37 charities and civil institutions in Nablus and Ramallah during the past three days as a “heinous crime against humanity”, calling for ending these actions immediately and reopening these institutions which sponsor orphans and needy families.


In a press statement received by the PIC, MP Jamal Al-Khudari, the head of the popular committee against the siege, condemned the IOF troops for sabotaging and closing charitable and humanitarian institutions in the West Bank, describing what happened as an assault on all values and a new form of the Israeli blockade on the Palestinian people.


For its part, the Islamic Jihad Movement considered that the Israeli assaults on charities in the West Bank a link in the chain of the systematic Israeli criminality against mosques and charitable institutions which sponsor poor families and orphans. 


Walid Hillis, the spokesman for the Movement, castigated and questioned the role of the PA and its security apparatuses in the West Bank, saying: “Where is the role of these apparatuses in defending our people and stopping this desecration?”


For its part, the popular front for the liberation of Palestine underscored that the fierce Israeli campaign which targeted humanitarian institutions is a new stage in the comprehensive war waged on the Palestinian people to break their steadfastness.