Heated Start at Asyut University

Heated Start at Asyut University

With the start of the first semester, Asyut university administration referred 14 Muslim Brotherhood (MB) students at the Faculty of Engineering to a disciplinary board because they are receiving, instructing and serving fresh students through establishing an exhibition for engineering tools and distributing a pamphlet about the faculty.
The students were stunned on the first days of the semester with a heavy security presence and the University President, his deputy and the dean of principal of the Faculty of Engineering took to the courtyard to prevent students from receiving their colleagues, threatening fresh students with dismissing them and denying them a university dorm living. The University Vice Chairman even harassed the students and tried to confiscate engineering tools from them.
On the next day, after distributing the pamphlet, Dr. Mohamed Salah the University Vice Chairman and Dr. Said Imbabi the faculty principal snatched the pamphlets from fresh students under threats and the faculty principal insulted a student and threatened with beating him with the shoes and another threat with slapping him on his face .
At the university dorm:
The university dormitory administration stroke off names of 25 students from the dorm lists although they paid all costs and completed all measures. These students are superiors. An employee declared that the reason for striking off their names is security motivated.
The students submitted complaint to the University Vice Chairman from this unjust decision .
At the Faculty of Science:
The faculty administration referred 3 Muslim Brotherhood (MB) students at the Faculty of Science to a disciplinary board because they are receiving, instructing and serving fresh students and congratulating them on the advent of the academic year.
The faculty principal, Dr. Mohamed Al Sayed, insulted these students in front of their colleagues, and even pushed them and dismissed them outside the lecturing room while they were receiving their fresh colleagues and distributing lectures schedules on them. He also snatched these schedules from some fresh students, tore them and threw them in their faces.
A security element snatched a bag from a fourth year student and gave it to the guard chief who threatened the student, saying:” This is your last year, let it pass in peace “.
The Faculty of Pharmacy:
The faculty administration transferred 3 Muslim Brotherhood (MB) students to a disciplinary board two days before the new academic year starts on charges of spreading bad ideologies among students although these students were serving their new colleagues in the medical examination.
A guard chief detained a group of Muslim Brotherhood students at a agate inside his office and threatened them with making them take off their clothes and beat them because they had some pamphlets about the holy month of Ramadan and he even exercised pressures on them to know names of their colleagues inside the faculty.