- October 14, 2015
- 4 minutes read
Heshmat: Coup Regime Looks for False Legitimacy through UN Membership
Dr. Gamal Heshmat, speaker of the Egyptian Parliament abroad, said the repressive coup regime is seeking false legitimacy with a bid for nonpermanent UN Security Council membership.
Egypt continues its preparations for UNSC elections to be held Thursday on the fifth nonpermanent seat of the United Nations Security Council for the years 2016-2017.
Egypt held a nonpermanent UNSC seat during the years 1949-1950, 1961-1962, 1984-1985 and 1996-1997.
In a press statement, Dr. Heshmat, senior leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, said: "The coup’s bid for nonpermanent UNSC membership is a blatant search for sham legitimacy. This will not change the reality of people’s rejection of the putschist regime.
"The coup has produced a president and a constitution, and a parliament is in the making – all of which illegitimate. They never changed anything in the reality of the situation for the Egyptian people. The economy continues to deteriorate, and media misinformation will not hold for long before the Egyptians’ suffering exposes the truth."
Dr. Heshmat believes no-one should bet on the United Nations to support the people and their demands for justice and dignity, and confirms that: "UN positions are shameful with regard to the Arab peoples and the Palestinian cause.
"We had hoped that Egypt would get UNSC membership, as it did several times before, without the fascist military coup that failed economically, socially and politically. We will not accept the situation as it stands, whatever the putschists do."
Dr. Heshmat asked: "What has the UNSC membership done for Egypt to avoid military coups? What did the UN do for Palestine after it gave it a flag and lost it its just cause? What did the United Nations do for Iraq when the invasion went ahead without international approval? What have Muslim countries gained when the UN Charter’s Chapter VII laws were applied on them to the exclusion of the rest of the world?
"The military coup in Egypt gets its legitimacy from an international situation that conspires against the Muslim world. Taking a UNSC seat confirms that military coups are but one of the international instruments used by certain powers to tighten their grip on the world."