- March 8, 2012
- 2 minutes read
Heshmat: Formation of Constituent Assembly Drafting Constitution March 24th
Dr. Mohamed Jamal Heshmat, Deputy of People’s Assembly Foreign Relations Committee, said that the new Constitution that will be drawn up for Egypt by the Constituent Assembly (CA) will represent all Egypt and its people, not a specific political stream, faction or group.
Moreover, Dr. Heshmat said, at the opening of the Youth Parliament in the Library of Alexandria (Bibliotheca Alexandrina), yesterday: "We’re still receiving suggestions on the formation of the CA. We call for Egypt’s youth and the Youth Parliament to participate with ideas and proposals for CA configuration. Next week, the relevant committee will organize and review those proposals and submit them to Parliament for approval and formation of the CA which will draft the constitution on March 24".
Further, Dr. Heshmat noted that there are several visions on the CA’s 100 members. Some believe the Parliament must take part, while others offer opposing ideas; and all will contribute positively to the formation and commissioning of the CA.
Dr. Heshmat added that, "The goal is to have committee capable of writing a well-balanced constitution for the country, that shall establish a democratic state and uphold the rule of law".
Furthermore, Dr. Heshmat explained that hearing committees will listen to all those who do not take part in or are not happy about the CA, to present their ideas and proposals. This Constitution will separate state administration from the political will of any particular faction or party.
In conclusion, Dr. Heshmat said that the idea of ‘power inheritance’ is over, forever. He asserted that no one should entertain any fear of any government, party or president overstaying their welcome, illegitimately remaining in power beyond the term or their service, or taking charge of the Constitution. He stressed that this is the Constitution of all Egyptians, that will draw a new map for the future of Egypt.