Human Rights Report: 1165 Violations Including 6 deaths and 326 Cases including Sexual Harassment in Egypt’s Legislative Polls

Human Rights Report: 1165 Violations Including 6 deaths and 326 Cases including Sexual Harassment in Egypt’s Legislative Polls

 The Human Rights Association reports 1165 violations, including 6 deaths and 326 cases including sexual harassment during the parliamentary elections, which were held two days ago.
Hatem Raslan, head of the Human Rights Association in Minia, has announced that 134 cases of violence were reported on the website, whether among supporters of candidates, which reached the extent of opening gun fire by unknown thugs or by candidates themselves. This happened in several constituencies. Several injuries resulted from the use of live ammunition, reaching as high as 6 fatalities that were reported on the site, while there was still conflicting information about the overall number by the end of Election Day.
150 reports indicated security interferences, whether through detention and obstruction of some voters, observers, and candidate delegates, or through closing down entire voting centres, either fully or partly. Denying access for observers and candidate delegates was a common occurrence as reported in Bandar Malawy, Bandar al-Minya and Matay al-Minya.
270 reports indicated the continuation of campaigning activities, including campaigning inside polling stations and this was even done by some of the electoral employees and some government employees.