- September 28, 2006
- 3 minutes read
Ikhwan MPs Hold Gov. Accountable For Death of Ecologists.

“The Egyptian government doesn’t give any care for the scientific researches while devoting all its potentials only for protection of the regime, giving it a priority over anything including scientific research “Vice President of MB parliamentary Bloc Hussein Ibrahim said in an exclusive statement to Ikhwanweb following the death of two ecologists while they were on an official mission in Aswan monitoring the immigrant birds suspected to carry epidemic bird flu.
The deputy held the Prime Minister accountable for the death of the two researchers ‘ The government’s negligence has caused the death of hundreds of Egyptians in railway accidents or under the debris of falling houses, and here is another crime committed by the government as its Ministry of Environment Affairs left the two ecologists in the scorching sun in a vehicle lacking any accommodations, which led to the two ecologists running out of water and thus dying of thirst due to lack means of communications.
The MB member of parliament added that the victims’ families lodged a complaint against the director of the natural preserve where the two ecologists worked, saying that he refused to provide them with any means of communications against the background of a complaint one of the two ecologists had earlier sent to officials in the Environment Council about the bad living conditions within the natural preserve where workers there come under dangerous threats of fatal diseases.
The deputy pointed out that the pubic has come to feel a sense of resentment against the government since it supplies its ministers with black Mercedes with a long line of guards while it turns blind eye to research and researchers. “It means that the government doesn’t know where priorities are, with the ministers’ heavily guarded motorcades being above everything even the people’s lives”, he said, calling on the government to take measures to redress such negligence so that it doesn’t recur in the future, and financial reparations to the families of the two fallen ecologists.
The deputy lamented that the scientific research budget in Egypt doesn’t equal 1% of that allocated for the police and the Ministry of Interior in general, calling on the government to honor the two martyrs of the scientific research in line with millions of pounds spent on festivals and parties honoring actors, sportsmen and dancers.