Interference by state security in higher education reaches into the private sphere

Interference by state security in higher education reaches into the private sphere

The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information today denounced in a statement state security’s interference in the student union elections at Sinai University, which is a private institution. The name of Amr Salama, student and blogger was struck from the list of candidates’ names, although all his documents had been in order and his name had been included on the final list.

Salama had already submitted his candidacy for the faculty of cultural commission of information and his documents had been approved. He had been campaigning right up until polling day when he learned from colleagues that his name had not been included on the ballot paper. Recently he has been informed by the electoral commission that he was excluded by command of the state security for writing his blog Lesa-Aish.(Alive Still)
The exclusion of Salama by security forces brings to an end the relative freedom enjoyed until recently by the private universities, from the appointment of academics to the exclusion of politically active students from candidacy in union elections. It looks like now all the universities are under the control of state security.

Gamal Eid, executive director of the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information said: “It is obvious that student bloggers have been blacklisted and excluded from candidacy for student union officers by state security. Why do the administrations of universities allow such interference?”
The legal aid unit for freedom of expression at the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information has announced its support to the right to campaign for student union election of Amr Salama in the face of state security’s intrusion into student affairs and freedom of expression.