- Palestine
- August 28, 2010
- 2 minutes read
IOA to close Ibrahimi Mosque to Muslims next month

The Israeli Occupation Authority announced that the Ibrahimi Mosque will be exclusively open around the clock for ten days to Jews on the occasion of the Jewish new year which will start on 18.
Israeli radio said that this measure was taken based on a request by Jewish settlers of Keryat Arba’ in al-Khalil.
This announcement coincides with the 17th anniversary of the Ibrahimi mosque massacre which took place on the 5th of Ramadan 1415 AH [25 February 1994], when Baruch Goldstein, an American Jew, committed a massacre at the Mosque during dawn prayers using hand grenades and a machinegun killing 29 worshipers and wounding 150 others.
This decision contradicts recommendations made by the Shamgar commission of inquiry into the massacre, which stipulated that the mosque will be closed before Muslim worshippers for ten days a year in total.
Muslims have very restricted access to the mosque and they are searched before entering the Mosque.