- DemocracyWikileaks
- December 11, 2010
- 12 minutes read
Is Julian Assange Europe’s Nelson Mandela?
”Remember that Nelson Mandela was imprisoned as a terrorist by a criminal government. South Africa was changed by citizen action. Keeping your head down is not an option. Send a donation for Julian Assange right now, feel good about yourself and tell your children and grandchildren that you were in the resistance against organized government crime.” (Christopher King)
I’ve sent a donation towards Julian Assange’s legal expenses and feel good about it. He’s entitled to a legal defence against obviously false, despicable Swedish criminal charges. It’s my right to support him in getting one. In future years I’ll boast to my grandchildren that I did more than just write about America’s wars. The WikiLeaks revelations are the first effective non-violent action so far against the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Sweden’s false charges against Mr Assange are not the first time that country has collaborated with aggressors. When the Nazis wanted to seize Norway’s heavy water production plant for their nuclear research, Sweden announced that it was neutral and allowed the Germans to roll straight through the country to Norway. Just ask the Norwegians at the present time about their opinion of Sweden. Those were the days when Britain fought armed aggression rather than supported it.
Every Christmas, Norway sends a Christmas tree to stand in London’s Trafalgar Square in thanks for Britain’s help during World War II. Our present crop of cowardly, traitorous, warmongering politicians and their collaborators have no right to pride in that. If you’re in London go and look at it and reflect for a moment on what it means. I wonder, will the Iraqis and Afghans send the UK a gift every year for liberating them? Probably not.
After invading Iraq for its oil, Afghanistan to build a pipeline to contain China or whatever, with associated mass murder, devastation, drone assassinations, death squad assassinations, uranium pollution, kidnapping, torture, rape, lies, bribery, fraud and every crime imaginable on a massive scale – not to mention decades of subverting sovereign governments all around the world – America has discovered law. America says Julian Assange has broken some law or other. It’s not clear what, exactly.
I can’t see it myself. Mr Assange has exposed the inner workings of America’s crimes against humanity, wars of aggression and world-wide subversion as any good journalist would do and every good man should do. This is the terrorist state which is in breach of the Nuremburg Principles and gives safe haven to the worst mass-murderers of the present century, notably George Bush and Barack Obama with their paid running dog Anthony Blair. That’s not to forget Gordon Brown. These people are the only mass murderers of the 21st century. Anyway, America is passing new laws, specifically to criminalize WikiLeaks and Mr Assange, just to make sure that they’re breaking the law.
We are at a point where we must consider what action good men can take when criminals run our governments and make the laws as they did in Nazi Germany. If they succeed in imprisoning Julian Assange, it will be a blow against the rule of law in the UK and Europe as well as many other countries. We will be living under an American dictatorship. Ask the Iraqis or Afghans what it feels like.
Whatever your country, Julian Assange is acting for you and your children. Our criminally-led governments have loaded us and our children with debt while enriching their banking paymasters and industrial partners with our money. America, Britain and American-controlled NATO are killing children in foreign countries as you read this.
You’ll notice that the people who are screaming for Julian Assange to be arrested, imprisoned for life, given the death penalty, assassinated etc are those who are paid by governments that collude with or benefit from American government crimes. That’s how dictatorships are created and maintained. Men who think they’re good citizens say to themselves: “I have to feed my family”, or “If I don’t do it someone else will”, or “What I do is within the law”. Well, right now the law is administered by criminals. This is how you get a police force to act against its own citizens and an army of mercenaries who will kill whoever they’re told to kill and say, “It’s not my responsibility.”
The WikiLeaks document dump doesn’t harm America or anyone else. It’s an excellent start to cleaning out the filth that is United States foreign policy. If anyone is harmed it’s because he’s doing something he shouldn’t be doing. If anyone is embarrassed, that’s collateral damage. Negligible collateral damage. It’s better than being blown to pieces by a hellfire missile and reported as a terrorist kill because a drone controller in Arizona suspected that your walking stick might be a rifle or because you live next door to a suspected terrorist.
WikiLeaks shouldn’t bother with redacting the files. They get no credit for it. The files should be dumped as they are, collateral damage and all. That’s what the United States did in Fallujah, but with artillery, tanks, air strikes, white phosphorous and uranium munitions and totally indiscriminate destruction and killing. Who are they to bitch about a document dump and whine about their national security when they behave like this and trample over the national security of every other country in the world? It’s blowback guys, and like 9/11, you can’t predict it.
Our legal profession was infamously silent during Anthony Blair’s lies about the urgency of invading Iraq. We know now that he was the paid mouthpiece of America. We know now from Wikileaks that Gordon Brown promised Obama that the Chilcot Inquiry would keep America clean. Chilcot is discredited before he reports.
It was nice of the former Lord Chief Justice, Lord Bingham, to brand the Iraq war illegal years later after he retired. It would have been nicer if he had done it at the time – but after all, he was in the pay of the government. Too late doesn’t count. Where was Lord Bingham when we were marching through London in protest before the invasion? It’s time for the legal profession to look beyond its pay cheque and participate in the real world. We need some prosecutions for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Whatever country you are in, Julian Assange and WikiLeaks are acting for you. They need help now but you don’t have to risk anything. Just put some banknotes in an envelope or get a postal order (you might need a name and address) and send it to Mr Assange’s London solicitors:
Mr Paul Millett
Managing Partner
Finers Stephens Innocent LLP?
179 Great Portland Street
?London? W1W 5LS
United Kingdom
Enclose a note to say something like: Please use the enclosed donation of £ according to the instructions of your client, Mr Julian Paul Assange or, at your discretion, for his benefit.
No need to sign it. When I drafted this piece I gave Mr Assange’s Swiss bank details but the Swiss government has since then frozen the account. Well, Switzerland also did well from its neutrality during World War II with all those bank accounts owned by Jews who went to the gas chambers.
But you can see how America, our governments and banks now have their hands around our throats. It’s not only materialization of Kafka’s The Trial with arrest, imprisonment, torture and execution without evidence. It’s George Orwell’s Animal Farm as well, with self-defence labelled terrorism and lawlessness becoming the law.
We need to start thinking about a better system of government. Someone wrote: “Don’t vote – it only encourages the bastards.” Good and amusing, but we need to develop something better. A useful start while we think about it is to support a man who demonstrably has the courage and intelligence to do something about government crime.
Remember that Nelson Mandela was imprisoned as a terrorist by a criminal government. South Africa was changed by citizen action. Keeping your head down is not an option. Send a donation for Julian Assange right now, feel good about yourself and tell your children and grandchildren that you were in the resistance against organized government crime.
Source: Redress Information & Analysis (http://www.redress.cc). Material published on Redress may be republished with full attribution to Redress Information & Analysis (http://www.redress.cc)