- Human Rights
- September 15, 2008
- 4 minutes read
Islamic Movements Expert Says Al-Qaeda Call For Killing Him Is as “very serious” and extremist.

Diyaa Rashwan (an expert on Islamic movements) described in an interview with Ikhwanweb the call for killing him by Al Qaeda as “very serious” and “extremist.”
Rashwan pointed out that they classify people to two types, one is believer and the other is infidel. He also confirmed that the extremism in this situation far exceeded that of the leaders of the organization themselves.
Al-Zawahiri is accusing rulers of unbelief, Rashwan said, but he did not accuse those who differ with him in opinion of infidelity. Besides, he did not legitimize killing anyone but rulers, pointing out that they treat people with the principle of “Who is not with me, is against me.”
Rashwan denounced the legitimating of killing him just for his political analysis, and described this threat as a very serious one. He also revealed that accusing him of unbelief is not based on an ideological fact, as he did not deny what is basically known.
Rashwan said that he was accused by many sites close to Al-Qaeda, such as Al-Eklaas Forum which legitimized the killing of Diyya Rashwan after his statement to “Ma Waraa Al-kabar” program for Al-Jazeera, that Al-Qaeda is suffering from a state of weakness, confusion and lack of self-confidence. Rashwan added that his talk about Al-Qaeda was fair and equitable.
Rashwan is considered one of the most important experts on Islamic movements’ affairs, and is deemed as the most objective and neutral among Egyptian analysts. He is always accused of sympathizing with Islamic movements.