- Palestine
- June 3, 2010
- 2 minutes read
Israeli troops point gun at one year old demonstrating further cowardice

The most horrifying report yet was revealed when an Algerian activist maintained that the Israeli troops pointed their gun at a Turkish couple’s one year old son forcing the Mavi Marmara to stop
Peace activists from different nationalities were shot in cold blood and left to die as trigger happy Israelis shot at them while they were defenseless. Blood covered the ship’s deck while soldiers descended and women screamed
Two Egyptians from the Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary bloc were among the detainees who were later released after intervention by the Egyptian foreign Ministry. MP Hazem Farouk and Dr. Mohamed Beltagy described the terrifying scenes. They alleged that all those who were left alive were roughly manhandled and humiliated and left in the burning sun for many hours. Consequently many people lost consciousness and suffered from sun stroke. They were left without food and water and were prevented from entering the toilet Both MPs had been robbed and beaten in arrogant Israeli piracy. They were later free and accompanied to the border without their belongings or clothing