- MB Around The World
- October 27, 2010
- 4 minutes read
Jordan’s MB offshoot will be politically active despite boycott of elections

According to experts the Muslim Brotherhood offshoot in Jordan’s decision to boycott the upcoming parliamentary elections will open the way for a strong showing by tribal candidates in Zarqa city. Zarqa is 25 kilometres east of Amman, and is the Kingdom’s second most populous city after the capital with nearly 1.2 million residents. Experts explain that many Zarqa dwellers are of Palestinian origin, and many of them see the MB as the best representatives of their interest. Efforts by Jordan’s Prime Minister Samir Rifai to dissuade the Islamic Action Front the MB political arm from its decision to boycott the November 9 elections were unsuccessful and the movement has held its ground and upheld the boycott. Official data, has confirmed that 85 individuals are running for the 11 seats allocated to the Governorate of Zarqa. Political analyst Mohamed Abu Rahman ascertained that even with the participation of the MB offshoot the number of voters is expected to decline due to the public’s frustration in the deputies’ performance and people are showing less interest in casting their ballots. Fares Braizat, a political analyst with the Centre for Strategic Studies at the University of Jordan, agreed, predicting that the next Parliament will represent tribal rather than political affiliations. The government however claims that it hopes to witness some opposition under the Dome. According to the IAF Secretary General Hamza Mansour the public’s lack of interest in the upcoming elections came about by the temporary Elections Law endorsed by the government earlier this year. He added that the law fails to reflect the people’s ambitions and aspirations however it encourages tribalism and undermines democracy. Mansour maintained that the IAF’s boycott of the elections is a protest against the government’s policies. He stressed that although they will not be represented in parliament they will be politically and socially active with their supporters; they will not be sitting in the shade.