Jordan: MB offshoot and political opposition express deep concern over gov’t policies

Jordan: MB offshoot and political opposition express deep concern over gov’t policies


The National Coalition of Opposition parties in Jordan engaged in dialogue discussing freedom of expression, public participation in the political process and economic difficulties facing the nation as a result of the government’s incapable policies

According to the Muslim Brotherhood’s offshoot the Islamic Action Front’s leader Hamza Mansour, the situation was serious and a threat to the stability of the nation.  


The meeting which was organized to address government policies on several issues, including freedom of speech and the right to form professional unions ended with  the coalition’s unanimous decision to take a number of measures to “confront official policies” on the issues discussed.


The controversial Cyber Crimes Law and the establishment of a teachers union topped the list of priorities especially as the law is an infringement of the right to free expression. Mansour highlighted that they fully support freedom of opinion based on responsibility and respect.

He maintained that opposition leaders expressed extreme concern over the recent taxes on a number of items and other economic measures which distressed the middle class.


A press conference is scheduled to take place in the next few days to publicize procedures to “expose” official policies responsible in increasing the burden on the middle class