Journalists and MB Supporters Harrassed Prior to Military Verdict

Journalists and MB Supporters Harrassed Prior to Military Verdict

The verdict in the military tribunals in which 40 Muslim Brotherhood (MB) leaders are tried, topped by Eng. Khairat Al-Shater, second deputy chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood, is expected to be declared today in the tribunal’s last session.
The Egyptian authorities have managed to block all roads leading to the Haikstep military base since the early morning, in an attempt to prevent anyone from reaching the military base where the session would be held.
Meanwhile, State security forces are arresting dozens of MB affiliates in their way to the Haikstep military base, who have gathered from different governorates around Egypt in solidarity with the detainees’ families.
In the same context, security forces have arrested a number of journalists and media representatives as BBC correspondent, Moawad Gouda, Abu Dhabi News photographer, Alaa Amin, and a Spanish journalist who had been near the Haikstep military base to cover the last session news.
On the other hand, security forces attacked the families of the detainees, assaulting a number of them including children and females, and arresting others without any justification.
Arrests included the two sons of Hassan Malek, a businessman referred to the military tribunal, and lawyer Gamal Tag.
Today’s session would be attended by Human rights delegates, supporters from other political trends, and MB supporters in addition to the detainees families. The number of supporters expected to attend today’s session was expected to exceed 5, 000 persons.
The verdict is expected to be declared within a few minutes from now.