Katatni: Supreme Committee for Elections driven behind NDP wishes

Katatni: Supreme Committee for Elections driven behind NDP wishes

The media spokesman and head of the Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary bloc, Dr. Mohamed Saad el-Ketatni, called on the Supreme Committee for Elections to show integrity and abide by the laws and constitution. He urged the committee not to be driven by the wishes of the ruling party which are running against the MB.

 Councillor Abdel Aziz Omar, head of the Supreme Committee announced that the use of the motto “Islam is the Solution” would be removed from the list of candidates.

The committee has been accused of favouring the ruling party as well as taking part in rigging the elections.

 Dr. Ketatni told Ikhwanweb that Counsellor Kamal Lamei, head of the Administrative Courts had ascertained in a recent press statement that the motto “Islam is the Solution” used by MB candidates during elections does not violate the law or the constitution and that having such a motto is a manifestation of their right to freedom of expression guaranteed in the constitution.

Ketatni explained that the MB motto is not religious, but rather political and does not contradict the law or the constitution.

Dr. Atef el-Banna, professor of Constitutional Law at Cairo University, explained that the statement made by the head of the Supreme Committee for Elections is incorrect since the committee does in fact prevent a number of candidates from using mottos that are approved by law.

The motto ‘Islam is the Solution’ does not contradict the law or the constitution and the Administrative Court ruled many times in favour of candidates who use this motto and approved their participation in the elections after they had been illicitly removed,” Banna said.