Katatni on April 6 Anniversary: Let’s Cooperate to Build Modern Democratic Egypt

Katatni on April 6 Anniversary: Let’s Cooperate to Build Modern Democratic Egypt

Dr. Mohamed Saad Katatni, Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) Chairman, said: "We cannot deny the role played by national patriotic movements – such as April 6, Kefaya and the National Association for Change – in preparing for the glorious January 25 Revolution."

On the anniversary of April 6 Movement, Dr. Katatni further added: "We fought tyranny together for many years, and together we faced up to the corrupt Mubarak regime, and paid a heavy price until the dream became reality, and the unjust repressive regime was ousted.

"I hope we can regain that true and wonderful spirit of selfless giving and cooperation, ignoring partisan or ideological differences to take part in building a modern democratic state. Challenges in the way of building are by no means less than the challenges we faced together to overthrow the corrupt regime."