- Human RightsPalestine
- April 15, 2008
- 4 minutes read
Khudari: Allowing limited quantities of fuel into Gaza doesn’t end crises

Chairman of the anti-siege committee in Gaza Strip MP Dr. Jamal Al-Khudari said on Tuesday that the Israeli decision of permitting limited quantities of fuel into Gaza Strip doesn’t solve the problems in the besieged Strip.
According to Khudari, the populated Strip urgently needs seven million liters of diesel and three million liters of petrol to return life to the Gaza Strip which was exhausted after almost a year of an unjust Israeli economic embargo amidst clear indifference on the part of the international community.
“for the sixth successive day, the [Israeli] occupation blocked supplying Gaza with fuel that badly affected all aspects of the Palestinian people”s life, especially the health and the education sectors as sick people couldn’t reach hospitals and students couldn’t reach their schools and universities due to lack of transportation although their final examinations were fast approaching”, said Khudari in a press statement he issued in Gaza and a copy of which was obtained by the PIC.
Moreover, Khudari underlined that international laws and conventions bind the occupation authority to supply the people under the occupation with sufficient quantities of the basic needs.
“The Israeli decision of reducing quantities of fuel into the tiny Strip was clear violation of international laws and statutes; and it is considered as collective punishment of the 1.5 million individuals living in the Strip”, Khudari, furthermore, added.
In addition, Khudari explained that the fuel that is supposed to get into the Strip was pre-paid based on mutual understanding between the Palestinian importers, and the Israeli supplying company, adding that the Israeli company must abide by the agreements.
Khudari also added that the crises of the Gaza Strip couldn’t be just solved with supplying fuel, asserting that fuel crises was only a part of the crises created by the oppressive Israeli siege, highlighting that the Israeli economic blockade was still persisting.
Finally, Khudari stressed that his committee will not relax its anti-siege efforts and activities unless the sanction is totally lifted.
Palestinian citizens consider suing Al-Ahram
Meanwhile, a number of Palestinian citizens were seriously mulling suing the Egyptian Al-Ahram newspaper in Egypt and before an international court after it published falsified reports instigating against the besieged Strip.
The angry citizens asserted that they were “shocked” by the false reports in the paper that even the Israelis themselves failed to concoct.
“We expected the Egyptian paper to help, support, and highlight our plight; and we also expected it to put more pressure on the Egyptian government to force the opening of the Rafah terminal in order to save lives of tens of sick Palestinian people”, They said.
The paper alleged that Hamas Movement was planning to destroy the wall that separates Egypt and the Strip; and that the Movement was planning to fire at Egyptian border guards.
Hamas condemned the reports in the paper, describing them as mere “lies and fabrications”, warning that the reports could be considered as an “implicit invitation for the Egyptian security guards to mercilessly shoot and kill the beleaguered Gaza inhabitants”.