- Fanatic Messages
- October 26, 2008
- 2 minutes read
Khudeiry: Debate Amid Judges Ends by December Elections

Mahmud Al Khudeiry, a prominent figure of Judiciary Independence trend and former President of the Judges Club in Alexandria said in an exclusive statement to IkhwanWeb that the debate amid judges, accusations and altercations among them will be ended by next December elections, the General Assembly will announce its decision and the majority opinion will prevail.
Khudeiry denied what was claimed by Ismail Al Basyuni, President of Judges Club in Alexandria in his communication to Hani Musharraf, Chief Prosecutor of Sidi Gaber, in which he accused some members of the Board of storming his office during his absence and smashing the furniture, but members denied this as the member Adel Sherbash said “all offices are open and no need to break into his office”, he added that the reason is the success of Independence trend to take the majority of seats in the council.
Khudeiry said about Basyuni that he put himself among certain group and this is a bad situation and inadmissible since he is the President of the Club of all Judges in Alexandria. He added that the prosecutor will not intervene in this matter.
In a statement of the of the club Board members affiliated to the trend of Independence, they expressed their sorrow for what was said about lawsuits filed by some of their colleagues against their club to invalid the decision of its General Assembly to raise the cost of membership. They added that it would be more prior if they had filed a lawsuit when the financial dues of their colleagues were decreased after the disbursement of the budget surplus or just to defend the club interests and supporting it in its demands to be included in the Judiciary Act and to allocate adequate resources for it to play its role.