Ki-Moon deeply concerned about Israeli intents to expand settlement in WB

Ki-Moon deeply concerned about Israeli intents to expand settlement in WB

NEW YORK, Ban Ki-Moon, the secretary-general of the UN, expressed deep concern about the Israeli intention to build 20 settlement units in the Aghwar area located in the northern flank of the West Bank.


Michelle Montas, a UN spokeswoman, stated that Ki-Moon has repeatedly stressed that settlement construction or expansion is contrary to the international law and Israel“s commitments under the roadmap plan.


The spokeswoman added the UN chief urges Israel to respond to the call of the international quartet to freeze all settlement activities, including natural growth, and to dismantle outposts erected since March 2001.


Israeli government officials announced Thursday that Israel is preparing to build 20 settlement units in Maskiot, a former army base in the Aghwar area. The construction still needs the final go-ahead from Israeli war minister Ehud Barak.