- October 20, 2006
- 2 minutes read
“Labors’ Union Seeks To Exclude Our Candidates” MB Says
The Muslim Brotherhood candidates for the coming Labors’ Union election released a statement October 19, 2006, lashing out at the Egyptian Union for targeting the Muslim Brotherhood candidates.
The workers in their statement added that the Union uses all ways to exclude them from standing for the election, citing the denial of the MB candidates their candidacy papers, striking off their names from the list of candidates, and transferring them from their work places to other ones, which naturally leads to failure of these candidates to win in the coming election.
“ The Muslim Brotherhood didn’t stand for the election to exclude others but to provide new, truthful and well educated elements who could bail out the Union from its turmoil and work closely with their Egyptian compatriots for Egypt’s freedom and development”, the statement said, pointing out that it is time to put an end to the policies of dependency, monopoly and embezzlement of public funds, as well as regional policies which are dictated even to the detriment of the national economy .
The group, along with other national political forces, affirm that that such arbitrary measures will not weaken their resolve to pursue their reformist program in the interest of workers in all working sites”, the statement added.