- November 22, 2006
- 2 minutes read
Lebanese Islamic Group Condemns Assassination of Pierre Gemayel
The Islamic Group in Lebanon condemned, in a statement, a copy of which was obtained by Ikhwanweb, the assassination of the Lebanese Minister of Industry, Pierre Amin Gemayel.
The head of the Islamic Group’s politbureao and former MP, Asaad Harmoush says :
’The crime of assassinating Minister, Pierre Amin Gemayel, is committed on the eve of Day of Independence, under such a state of political and security escalation facing Lebanon, to reconfirm that the security of our independent, sovereign homeland, Lebanon, is still under threat.
This requires that all the Lebanese stick to the highest degrees of caution and national unity to face those who want to destabilize the security and stability of their country; this should also instigate the Lebanese leadership, concerned with all the key national issues in the International Court, to quickly establish a national unity government and solve the crisis of rule in Lebanon.
We strongly condemn this hideous crime, offering our condolences to his family, beloved ones, and all Lebanese people, asking Allah to protect the Lebanese from all harms, and to defend them against all enemies.
Head of the Islamic Group’s politbureao
Asaad Harmoush