Legal Expert: Appeals Court Rules Out Return of Old Public Prosecutor

Legal Expert: Appeals Court Rules Out Return of Old Public Prosecutor

Mukhtar Ashri, Chairman of the Legal Committee of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), affirmed that the Court of Cassation judgment accepted the challenge presented by Abdel-Meguid Mahmoud, the Public Prosecutor, which means it is impossible for the old Public Prosecutor Abdel-Meguid Mahmoud to return to the post.

Ashri further said that the court ruling rejected the appeal presented the current Public Prosecutor Justice Talaat Abdullah, which means that now the Supreme Judicial Council will nominate three figures from among Courts of Appeal and Cassation deputies as well as a public prosecution assistant for the position of Public Prosecutor. Then, the President of the Egypt will issue a decree to appoint one of those as the new Public Prosecutor in accordance with the Constitution.