- Other OpinionsReform Issues
- June 19, 2007
- 4 minutes read
Let’s Understand the Moslem Brotherhood:

The article of Muhammad Ali Brahmin, Gamhoria”s editor-in-chief, entitled ” I Do not Understand the Moslem Brotherhood”, published on 1010, came as a complete surprise. After finishing the article, I become sure that he really does not comprehend them. Therefore, I call him to grasp the reality of the Moslem Brotherhood and do not draw on doubtful sources.
The stance of the Moslem Brotherhood toward women, Christians, Islamic Law, and authority are the fundamental points he has tackled in his article. Matters should be judged objectively and impartially, however.
All literary works of the Moslem Brotherhood, starting form el-Bana, the founder of the movement, show apparently its ideology toward women. Many writings are in the favor of women.
As for the participation of women in the parliament, the Moslem Brotherhood has approved and supported this idea in their statements and meetings. A quotation from the Moslem Women is a refutable answer,” this participation is a must. Numerous applicable election laws in many Islamic countries give women the right to vote, so if the Moslem women are forbidden, it will impair the presence of Islamists in parliaments.” Moreover, there is no excuse to prevent women to access the parliament.
The Christians, the second point in the article, are taken into the consideration of the Moslem Brotherhood. El- Bana”s eagerness to have a Christian in the political committee of the movement is clear evidence. Furthermore, the Moslem Brotherhood backs some Christian candidates in the parliamentary election such as Gamel Asa”d Abdel Mallak, and Monir Fakhary. The invitation of popular Christian figures, in addition, to participate in the different occasions of the Moslem Brotherhood is another indication.
Why we should make distinction between Moslems and Christians regards the political action. If a Christian candidate is better than a Moslem candidate in a circle, we do support him for the benefit of people and of the country.
In connection with the third point, I can say that the application of the Islamic Law was the prime purpose of forming the Moslem Brotherhood and the motive to detain thousands of Moslem Brotherhood. They have offered precious sacrifices to achieve this aim which avails the entire community. But gradual progress is permissible as long as it does not violate any Islamic principles.
The fourth point is that the Moslem Brotherhood seeks the power by all means. It is wholly untenable. Is the access of power restricted to certain people? Is it allowed that only tyrants come to power? Or it is the choice of the people.
We have experienced all forms of deposited systems and we do not undergo the Islamic system even once. So is it fair to judge it without knowing it?
The Moslem Brotherhood”s Islamic-inspired ideologies of reform are the best, among the posed patters, for me, not because I am one of them but after studies and experience.
Moreover, the article criticizes the movement for requesting a fair election in which the voters have the full freedom instead of supporting this idea!!
Finally, I hope that the editor-in-chief would seek the truth for we will be asked about our words before Allah. He should depend upon trustworthy sources in order to know the truth.