- Other Issues
- January 12, 2008
- 9 minutes read
Collected by Charles Kurzman
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
As noted in the introduction to the Liberal Islam anthology, I use the term “liberal” to refer to basic themes in the history of liberalism, such as democracy, freedom of thought, social equality, and human progress. The term “liberal” has a variety of meanings, to be sure, and its reputation in much of the Islamic world has been tainted by its hypocritical introduction under colonialism. Thus these links, and the Liberal Islam anthology itself, include some authors and activists who may not consider themselves “liberal,” though they deal seriously with liberal themes.
Web sites or pages devoted to authors in the Liberal Islam anthology:
Chapter 6. S.M. Zafar, Pakistan: http://www.washington-report.org/backissues/0896/9608078.htm
Chapter 7. Mehdi Bazargan, Iran: http://www.nehzateazadi.org/mehdi.html
Chapter 9. Rachid Ghannouchi, Tunisia: Muslim Students Association listing
Chapter 10. Sadek Sulaiman, Oman: http://www.alhewar.com/SadekDemAndShura.htm
Chapter 12. Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan: http://www.ppp.org.pk/speeches.html
Chapter 13. Fatima Mernissi, Morocco: http://www.mernissi.net
Chapter 15. Muhammad Shahrour, Syria: http://www.moslem.org/shahroor.htm
Chapter 17. Chandra Muzaffar, Malaysia: http://www.just-international.org
Chapter 18. Mohamed Talbi, Tunisia: Muslim Students Association listing
Chapter 20. Rusmir Mahmutcehajic, Bosnia: http://www.ifbosna.org.ba
Chapter 21. `Ali Shari`ati, Iran: http://www.shariati.com
Chapter 22. Yusuf Qaradawi, Egypt-Qatar: http://www.qaradawi.net
Chapter 23. Mohamed Arkoun, Algeria-France: Muslim Students Association listing
Chapter 24. `Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na`im, Sudan-USA: http://www1.law.emory.edu/LAW/CATALOG/faculty/annaim.html
Chapter 26. Abdulkarim Soroush, Iran: http://www.seraj.org, http://www.drsoroush.com (Muslim Students Association listing)
Chapter 27. Muhammad Iqbal, India: http://www.eden.rutgers.edu/~ufchi/iqbal.html, http://www.allamaiqbal.com,
Chapter 29. Nurcholish Madjid, Indonesia: http://www.paramadina.org
Other Muslim authors devoted to discussion or promotion of liberal themes:
Khaled Abou El Fadl, Kuwait-Egypt-USA: http://www.scholarofthehouse.org,
Nasr Abu Zaid, Egypt: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/9012/Zaid/index.html
Anwar Ibrahim and Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Malaysia: http://www.anwaribrahim.org (site may not be operational)
Karim Douglas Crow, USA: http://www.igc.org/nonviolence/islambib.htm
Asghar Ali Engineer, India: http://www.ecumene.org/IIS, http://www.dawoodi-bohras.com
Mohammad Omar Farooq, Bangladesh-USA: http://www.globalwebpost.com/farooqm
Fethullah Gülen, Turkey: http://www.fethullahgulen.org, http://www.nil.com.tr/~fgulen
Zeeshan Hasan”s Liberal Islamic Web Site, Bangladesh: http://www.liberalislam.net
Tarek Heggy, Egypt, http://www.heggy.org
Mohsen Kadivar, Iran: http://www.kadivar.com
Muqtedar Khan, India-USA: http://www.ijtihad.org and http://www.glocaleye.org
Amhed Subhy Mansour, Egypt, http://www.ahmed.G3Z.com
S. Parvez Manzoor, Sweden: http://www.algonet.se/~pmanzoor
Abdurrahman Wahid, Indonesia: http://www.muslims.net/KMNU/pustaka/buku1/forward.txt
Edip Yüksel, Turkey-USA: http://www.yuksel.org
Islamic organizations devoted to discussion or promotion of liberal themes:
Al-Qalam, South Africa: http://mandla.co.za/al-qalam
An-Nahdha, Tunisia: http://www.ezzeitouna.org/annahdha/ANNAHDHA.HTM
Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy, USA: http://csidonline.org
Claremont Main Road Mosque, South Africa: http://islam.org.za/muslims/Claremont/index.htm
Etudes Musulmanes, France: http://www.etudes-musulmanes.com
Free-Minds, Saudi Arabia: http://www.free-minds.org
Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Se-Indonesia (ICMI), Indonesia: http://www.icmi.or.id
International Center for Islam and Pluralism (ICIP), Indonesia: http://www.icipglobal.org
International Institute for Islamic Thought, USA and Malaysia: http://www.jaring.my/iiit
Islam21, England: http://www.islam21.net
Islamic Intellectual Forum, USA: http://www.islamforum.org
Karamah: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights, USA: http://www.karamah.org
Liberal Islam Network, Indonesia: http://www.islamlib.com
Liberation Movement of Iran: http://www.nehzateazadi.org
Liberty for Muslim World, England: http://www.lmw.org
Minaret of Freedom, USA: http://www.minaret.org
Ministry of W. Deen Muhammad, USA: http://www.wdmonline.com
Muslim Public Affairs Council, USA: http://www.mpac.org
Muslim WakeUp!, USA: http://www.muslimwakeup.com/info
Muslim World Journal of Human Rights, USA-UK-Canada: http://www.bepress.com/mwjhr/
Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesia: http://www.muslims.net/KMNU
Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance, Canada: http://www.religioustolerance.org/islam.htm
Progressive Dawoodi Bohras, India: http://www.dawoodi-bohras.com
Progressive Muslims, U.S.: http://classes.colgate.edu/osafi/progressive_muslims.htm
Qalandar: Islam and Interfaith Relations in South Asia: http://www.islaminterfaith.org
Sisterhood Is Global Institute, Canada: http://www.sigi.org
Tasneem Project, England: http://www.bayyinat.org.uk
The American Muslim, U.S.: http://www.theamericanmuslim.org
Umma Party, Sudan: http://www.umma.org
Women Living Under Muslim Laws, England-Pakistan-Nigeria, http://wluml.org