- MB NewsMB Opinions
- April 9, 2010
- 13 minutes read
MB’s Opinion, We must stand united with the rest of the national political powers against the state of emergency
Current events taking place in the political arena of both Egypt and the Middle East have revealed that the call for justice and reform are widespread. The collaboration of political opposing forces on an internal level have illustrated the significance of the rejection to unjust practices by the ruling regime, the continued state of emergency, and the police pursuit leading to arrest of reformists. With regards to issues abroad the deteriorating situation in Iraq and Palestine, in addition to elections in Sudan are also a topic of concern
The MB, who are living and interacting with these incidents, asserts the following:
First: The MB internal affairs
1. We call on the regime to illustrate compliance to the Constitution and the law and to end the arrests and raids committed which violate human rights. It is imperative that the court’s decisions to release detainees who have had impractical charges leveled against them including their support for the Palestinian cause and their opposition against the IOF’s plots to destroy the Aqsa Mosque be respected. In fact, we the MB, call on all Muslims to defend the Aqsa’s sanctity and believe it is our duty. We emphasize that allegations reiterated with reference to deals struck between the group and the ruling regime are merely fabricated, groundless lies in an attempt to tarnish the distinguished reputation of the MB.
2. We must stand united with the rest of the national political powers against the state of emergency which, has lasted for nearly thirty years and kept Egypt in a state of retarded progress. The reform policy has remained dormant causing Egypt to rank low among the world’s nations. Egypt however has the potential to occupy a leading position in many areas including social, economic and political growth. The Muslim Brotherhood asserts their full cooperation with all national political forces who reject the continuation of this deteriorating situation opposing falling wages and rising prices, which has come about as a result of corruption and the continued state of emergency in which we live.
3. The recent initiative by the Muslim Brotherhood’s delegation to convene with opposing political parties and collaborate with other components of the Egyptian nationalist movement is not a political fad but a continuation of effective and constructive interaction. The MB founder Imam Al-Banna himself had promoted dialogue between the Muslim Brotherhood and the political parties through coordinating Committees between the political parties and various trade unions. Through this interaction and united efforts among political parties and popular powers on issues agreed upon reform for the publics’ interests is achievable.
4. The MB condemns all security breaches which took place by security forces in Egypt on Tuesday, April 6th, 2010 and the quelling of freedom of students who assembled peacefully calling for freedom of expression and the amendment of Egypt’s constitution. Dozens were arrested while they were demonstrating in the squares, streets and universities in several governorates of Egypt. Moreover we demand prompt and immediate release of the detainees and the loosening of the regime’s security forces on all movements calling for political reform through peaceful and legitimate approaches.
Second: The MB external affairs
1. The Muslim Brotherhood condemn the feeble stance of the Arab ruling regimes on the continuing IOF threats against residents of the old city of Jerusalem, the West Bank and the besieged people of Gaza. Therefore, the Muslim Brotherhood insist the Arab people continue their support for the besieged people of Gaza in full force to help them in every possible way, such as pressuring governments to take firm stances showing respect for Egypt’s status and its deep-rooted history and encountering IOF’s arrogance in the Middle East.
2. The Muslim Brotherhood calls on Sudan’s political parties and national powers to cooperate in providing a healthy climate during the forthcoming elections and to thwart the conspiracy plots to divide the country and to keep national interests in mind (Help ye one another in righteousness and piety) (Al-Ma’ida:2)
3. The Muslim Brotherhood declare their rejection to sectarian bloodshed that tears Iraq daily including the suicide blasts in the vicinity of the Egyptian consulate in Baghdad, which coincides with the 7th anniversary of Baghdad’s fall to the U.S. occupation forces in April 9th, 2003. We see that this insecurity is mainly due to sabotage by the US usurper in Iraq’s demographic and doctrinal structure.
4. We call upon the Algerian President to reconsider the proposed resolution by the Algerian Interior Minister to remove the women’s veil and shave men’s beards when applying for new passports or renewing their old ones.