- MB NewsNews releases
- September 24, 2010
- 2 minutes read
MB: No official statement has been given concerning elections
The Muslim Brotherhood’s media spokesman Dr. Mohamed Morsy denied allegations in the media that the group has made a final decision concerning the upcoming parliamentary elections.
In a statement to Ikhwanweb the executive bureau member asserted that no official announcement has been made concerning the elections and the media will be notified once a decision is made.
Morsy asserted however that in principle the MB has always been committed to participating and becoming involved in any elections held in Egypt however the final decision is based on conditions surrounding the elections’ environment and the decisions will be made accordingly.
He underscored that the group’s position has not as yet been made and that the respective MB offices throughout the country will discuss the following procedures.
Morsy called on the media to act according to their profession and to publicize only news that was accurate adding that unless otherwise indicated opinions published in the media did not reflect the MB bureau’s opinion.