MB calls on nation to unite against bequeathing of power

MB calls on nation to unite against bequeathing of power

Egypt’s strongest political opposition the Muslim Brotherhood has called on all political forces to unite in solidarity and  resist all attempts by the regime to hand over power to the President’s 47 year old son Gamal Mubarak.

The Muslim Brotherhood calls on the nation to assume responsibility and positively participate in the call for political reform by signing the online petition initiated by the group’s chairman Dr. Mohamed Badie in collaboration with NAC and the former IAEA chief Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei.
Dr. Mohamed Morsy the group’s spokesman highlighted in a statement to ‘Ikhwanweb’ that “All forces must seriously confront the authority’s scheme and unite in order that the regime acknowledge the Egyptian people’s right to decide on their political future”. Morsy added that the group strongly objects to any foreign intervention in Egypt ‘s internal affairs, under the pretext of promoting democracy.
Regarding the upcoming parliamentary elections slated to take place in October MB MP Hussein Ibrahim maintained that the bloc would field candidates in Alexandria in the upcoming parliamentary elections. He asserted that the group would not accept any rerun of the midterm Shura elections held in June where there was widespread rigging and police violations against the opposition and their supporters.