• MB News
  • August 17, 2010
  • 3 minutes read

MB chairman calls on group not to be phased by TV series

MB chairman calls on group not to be phased by TV series

The TV series aired this Ramadan “The group” written by Wahid Hamed has faced criticism and controversy by numerous Muslim Brotherhood members. Family of the group’s founder Imam Hassan el-Banna maintained that the series is full of fabricated material and is a state effort to defame the group before the upcoming elections scheduled to be held in October. They called for the series to be taken off the air however their request has been denied. The series is said to highlight the history of the group and its founder up to its current activity in the Egyptian political scene since its founding in the late 1920’s

The group’s chairman Dr. Mohamed Badie addressed the group’s members asserting that efforts to tarnish the group’s image is something the group has become accustomed to but not deterred by. He called on the group not to be distracted by the series stressing that the group enjoys nationwide popularity and will continue to do so as long as it was comprised of the proud men who sacrificed much for the nation.

He called on the group to continue in its path calling for peaceful change, political reform and constitutional amendments no matter how hard it would be.

Media spokesmen Dr Essam el-Erian asserted that the series has produced effects contrary to the makers’ intentions stressing that people have become more aware and are able to distinguish between fact and fiction. He maintained that the series may in fact benefit the group as their popularity exceeds the mediocre attempt to tarnish its image adding that the group have found support before, during elections and will not be phased by any attempts to lessen their popularity