• MB News
  • April 28, 2011
  • 2 minutes read

MB members visit Churches during Easter break

MB members visit Churches during Easter break

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt visited numerous Churches in Egypt during the Easter break, extending warm wishes to the Copts

In East Cairo a delegation from the MB led by Essam Mokhtar, member of the 2005 MB parliamentary bloc visited Father Antoine and Father Gabriel Samir as, representatives of the Virgin Church in El Qatamiya area Other governorates also included visits to the churches in which Muslims congratulated Copts and discussed the future of Egypt following the revolution and the importance of maintaining communication and engaging in real dialogue between Muslims and Copts

El-Husseini ascertained that there has always been mutual respect between Muslims and members  the MB in particular adding the Copts rights are guaranteed in Islam El-Husseini called on Copts to actively participate in the Freedom and Justice Party, established by the MB. He stressed that the party welcomes the participation of the Copts for the best interest of the country