- Human RightsParliament News
- March 28, 2009
- 2 minutes read
MB MP: Plundering Has Become A Major Feature of the State Administrative System
Member of the MB Parliamentary Bloc MP Momen Za’rour requested details on the plundering of Post Authority money stressing that plundering has become a major feature of the State Administration Authority due to the absence of strict monitoring and accountability as well as the seclusion of reformers from leadership positions which facilitated the wasting of public money.
The Egyptian Central Auditing Organization (CAO) had revealed a budget deficit of 51 million LE in the Post Authority, wage budget rigging, embezzlements worth millions of pounds, deficits worth dozens of millions, and plundering of Post Authority money by employees or normal persons.
The CAO further revealed the presence of a deficit in the original calculations of the Post Authority’s last fiscal year reaching 51,442,139 LE including unrecorded bonuses and unregistered lands.
Also revealed were large amounts of money spent in the parties and public relations categories including 16,500 LE for grand lunch and dinner parties for Arab League Committee delegations who were supposed to bear these costs themselves; a training course accommodation costing 54,991 LE; and mismanagement of expenditures in several other categories such as 30,000 LE expenses for an ad about the Telecommunication Minister’s visit to France, 15,000 LE expenses for an agreement to publish an autobiography of a celebrity caricaturist, and 931,000 LE expenses for fairs and museums exceeding their original budget of 500,000 LE.
Za’rour further referred to the results of the Post Authority’s annual stock-take which showed that at least 14 million LE worth of lands and buildings had been transferred to the Post Authority via the New Urban Societies Authority.
Za’rour requested details on several other points highlighted by the CAO report.