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- May 16, 2008
- 2 minutes read
MB MP Holds Gov’t Responsible for Ranking Egypt -18 in Latest UNHRR

Mahmoud Amer (member of the MB parliamentary bloc) held the government responsible for rating Egypt (-18) in the latest United Nations Human Rights Report (UNHRR).
Amer said, in a statement to the bloc’s website, that this is the natural ratio under a government that dares to violate human rights through torture at police stations, emergency law, military tribunals for innocent civilians, denying the candidates’ right to run for elections, forging all elections, and other flagrant violations.
He added that such reports do affect Egypt’s reputation in the world; “but Egypt regime that brags about its wise leadership does not listen to such reports.”
Egypt has been rated (-18) in the UNHRR that evaluates the UNHRC member states during June 2007 till May 2008; Egypt has been placed at the 41st rank amidst 47 member states. The report rates (1) to positive performance and (-1) to negative one; (32) is the highest rank and (-32) is the lowest one.