MB MP Reveals 100 Faked Medicine in the Egyptian Market

MB MP Reveals 100 Faked Medicine in the Egyptian Market

Once again MB in the Parliament revealed a new disaster which threatens the safety of the Egyptian community as MP Yahia El-Mesiri (member of MB Parliamentary bloc) requested a briefing from the Prime Minister, Minister of Health and Minister of Interior on the existence of a large number of faked medicines from an unknown source in the Egyptian market. He enclosed a leaflet from the administration of the Health and Population in Gharbeya governorate, Pharmacy administration department. The number of faked and smuggled medicine is over one hundred and some of it belong to important companies.
The MP stated that the expiry date is close which means that these corrupt medicines will be running in the bodies of Egyptians.
He wondered: where is the Ministry of Interior which counts the breath of citizens since most of these medicines are being smuggled through customs and across borders?
And where is the role of the Interior in arresting those swindlers?
El-Mesiri also wondered about the place in which these fake medicines get prepared and how did it fade from the eyes of the State Security which devotes its efforts to chase opponents of the regime? How do these medicine get smuggled through customs and reach to the ordinary consumer without quarantine? What is the stance of the Minister of Health from the spread of this amount of faked medicines in the Egyptian market.
He stated that the government is willing to destroy the health of Egyptian citizens and their safety, starting from the corrupt bread, as the government imports corrupted wheat from Russia, to corrupted medicine by allowing faked medicine to the country.