MB offshoot in Syria strongly supports the people’s call for freedom

MB offshoot in Syria strongly supports the people’s call for freedom

Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood Comptroller has stated that the group strongly supports the people’s call for freedom, justice and equality asserting that these demands are a legitimate right of people worldwide.
In a statement to Ikhwanweb Riad Al-Shafqa continued stressing that the MB‘s political arm in Syria supports change adding that despite the Syrian regime which believes it is different than its neighbours which have experienced a revolution change is necessary. He described the regime as being in denial and asserts it is significant reform take place and people have their freedom, justice and equality, restored.
He called for democracy and the safeguarding of human rights urging all to combat the evident widespread of corruption. He appealed to the people however to advocate peace and not to damage public or private property and not to adopt the idea of revenge or retaliation.
Al-Shafqa regretted that the Syrian regime has not as yet responded to the people’s demands stating that he had hoped the Syrian rulers would have taken note from the situation of its neighbouring countries whose regimes toppled following the people’s revolution against tyranny, corruption and injustice.