MB Parliamentarians Threaten With Open Sit-In After Assaulting Hammoud

The Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary bloc threatened with staging an open sit-in starting from Tuesday June, 12, 2007 unless Interior Minister, major general Habib Al-Adli, attends an interrogation in parliament regarding the incident of assaulting the Muslim Brotherhood MP Yasser Hammoud at the hands of the State Security Police in the governorate of Monoufia.
The MB bloc’s members condemned in a press conference held on Saturday June, 9, 2007, in front of the People’s Assembly the blatant assault of the State Security Police in Monofiya against on the Muslim Brotherhood MP, considering beating and dragging the MP a strongly-worded message from the executive authority to the legislative authority. They demand an urgent intervention from Dr. Fathi Serour to restore the violated dignity of the MPs.
The MB bloc’s members threatened with using all parliamentary mechanisms unless the Interior Minister comes to parliament next Tuesday, stressing that the tough messages of the executive authority will not prevent the MB parliamentarians from performing their role towards more than 2 million voters who brought them to parliament. They added that their seats in parliament weren’t a gift from the security forces or the ruling NDP party but their seats were the will of the people who knw well that they deserve this places.
In a related context, Ahmed Fathi Sorour, the People’s Assembly speaker, sent a message to major general Habib Al-Adli, the Interior Minister, demanding him to attend the People’s Assembly session on Tuesday June, 12,  2007 to respond to urgent requests of information lodged by 100 MPs belonging to the MB parliamentary bloc, opposition and independent MPs against Al Adli in the incident of assaulting the Muslim Brotherhood MP Yasser Hammoud. The MPs demanded relieving Al-Adli of his post and drawing confidence from government after the security used methods of repression and terrorism.
Sorour stressed that the Interior Minister must attend to reply to accusations directed against the ministry, while Dr. Mohamed Saad Al Katatni, the MB bloc leader, presented a memo to Sorour in which he detailed the incident of assaulting MP Hammoud. Al Katatni demanded taking a showdown move so as to avoid recurring such an incident again.
It is worth mentioning that Hammoud was assaulted by the state security after attending a funeral of a resident in his constituency. After getting out of the village of Kafr Abshish after giving his condolences, he was confronted by three police cars headed by officers of Quwisna police station. They showered him with insults and bad words in front of residents of his constituency!!!

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