- Parliament News
- September 21, 2006
- 3 minutes read
MB Parliamentary Bloc To Elect New Leadership
Chairman of MB Parliamentary Bloc Dr. Mohammed Saad el Katatny said that the Bloc will hold its first internal elctions on Saturday September 23rd at the People’s Assembly premises to choose the Bloc’s General Secretariat which comprises the chairman and nine leading members including the Bloc secretary general and its media spokesman.
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Dr. Katatny invited the PA Speaker, the PA’s two undersecretaries and heads of different parliament committees as well as the independent and opposition MPs, to witness the elections. Katatny added that the elections will occur in four phases, with all the 88 MB deputies having right to elect others or stand as a candidate.
“These are real elections, and unlike other elections elsewhere, the results are not known in advance”, said Dr. Hamdy Hassan, the Bloc current spokesman in an exclusive statement to Ikhwanweb, adding that the election was not held in the first term of session as most of the MPs joined the Parliament for the first time and needed to gain sufficient experiences before they can participate in the elections.
First MB Deputy Chairman Dr. Mohamed Habib said that the idea to hold primaries within the Bloc was first suggested by the MB Executive Bureau’s in an effort to help the Ikhwan MPs practice real democracy within their bloc so that they learn to choose the right member for the right place”
We hope that the MB deputies observe the concept of shura (Islamic equivalent of consulation) to set an example of democracy being practiced within the MB establishment”, said Dr. Habib, adding that the MB deputies have come to gain such a sufficient experience in the parliamentary activities that they can now use the proper mechanisms to choose their leaders inside the Parliament.