• MB News
  • April 28, 2011
  • 2 minutes read

MB to Participate in National Dialogue But not Egypt Conference

MB to Participate in National Dialogue But not Egypt Conference

The Muslim Brotherhood has announced its decision to take part in Egypt’s National Dialogue. However it stressed it rejects offers to participate in a similar gathering known as the Egypt Conference.

According to MB media spokesman Dr. Essam El-Arian, the Egypt Conference deals with the upcoming elections and the Brothers feel it is too distant to be discussed this early. The first Egypt Conference was called for by political activist, Mamdouh Hamza to discuss the next constitution and address inequality.

An earlier assembly of the National Dialogue was criticized for not including all opposition groups, and many, including the MB, declined to participate. However since, many of the opposition demands have been met, the MB has said it is ready to participate fully.