Military trial for Khayrat el Shater, Yusuf Nada, 40 MB Members

The military ruler has issued a decision of transferring Khayrat el Shater, second deputy chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood, and around 40 others of the group’s leaders and executive council members including Yusuf Nada to martial courts after being accused of funding the “student militias” of al Azhar Univeristy (a reference to the martial arts show that was performed by Azhar University students last December), funding the MB’s secret activities in Egypt, and establishing 3 satellite channels costing 20 million USD to spread the MB’s thought.

A police source stated that among the leaders transferred to martial courts are Ghaleb Himmat, Tawfiq al Wa’id, Ibrahim al Zayyat, who are “members of the international branch of the organization, and live abroad,” and Hassan Malek, Abdel Rahman Seoudi, Khaled Ouda, and Mohammed Ali Beshr, who are the main financers of the organization in Egypt.

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