- MB BlogsYouth
- November 24, 2008
- 6 minutes read
Missing Blogger Detained by Interior Ministry Decision

Egyptian Ministry of Interior issued an arrest warrant on Monday against internet blogger Mohamed Adel after his relatives had filed two complaints to the Prosecutor General against the blogger’s disappearance since last Wednesday.
The complaints accused the Egyptian Interior Ministry of abducting him without any reasons or even notifying his relatives of his current place.
Last Friday, security forces stormed into Adel’s house, searched it and seized his computer without prosecution permission or legal reasons.
A group of bloggers demonstrated Monday before the prosecutor general’s office against the disappearance of Adel and the recently-issued arrest warrant.
Mohamed Adel, founder of “Dead” blog, is one of the most prominent MB bloggers who call for freedom and democracy in Egypt.
The blogger’s lawyer Hassan Karim accused, in a complaint he filed on Sunday to the General Prosecutor the Interior Ministry of kidnapping Mohamed Adel without any reason, and concealing his place, in addition to storming his house last Friday, searching it and seizing his computer without the prosecution’s authorization, and asking his father to hand over everything that belonged to Mohammed in the house.
Mohamed Adel’s mother confirmed in statements to Ikhwanweb that she figured out her son had been arrested because when police forces stormed into the house, they did not ask about her son as they know his place. She called upon the General Prosecutor to speed up the investigation and to announce the cause or the place of her son’s arrest.
Egyptian SSI detained blogger Mohamed during his participation in the convoy of “Breaking siege on Gaza” last October and he was released on the same day. But after a week a force from the SSI raided the house of Adel, just about a month ago, to arrest him, but he was not present.
Tens of bloggers and members of the April 6 Movement have held a sit in on Saturday evening before the Office of the General Prosecutor to demand investigation into the disappearance of Adel.