- Election Coverage
- May 30, 2007
- 2 minutes read
Mit Ghamr MB Candidate For Shura Elections Detained
The State Security Police in Mit Ghamr arrested Dr. Khaled Al Dib, the Muslim Brotherhood’s main candidate for the Shura Council elections, along with the other two substitute candidates, Hazem Douad, and Shaker Ata.
Police arrested Dr. Khaled Al Dib during one of his campaign stops in the village of Kawm Al-Nour, on charge of belonging to an outlawed group, campaigning in an unlicensed period of time, and using religious slogans in the campaigns.
Sources familiar with the incident told Ikhwanweb that Al Dib received direct threats from officer Said Emara, criminal department chief in Mit Ghamr, who told him he was not allowed to campaign after receiving instructions from “higher authorities”. The officer also told Dr. Al Dib that orders have been issued to prevent him from winning the elections at any price even it means shedding blood.
For his part, Abdul Mohsen Al Qamhawi, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate for the constituency of Talkha, said:” Arresting a candidate is illegal and unprecdenet in history of elections” he added that in the past; candidates were allowed to campaign even before they officialy register for the elections.
Al-Qamhawi pointed out that MB candidates face very intense harassments from the security forces, which include but not limited to arresting supporters, removing campaign posters and adds and finally actually arresting the candidate himself.
Al-Qamhawi added that this behavior confirms that the Egyptian regime plans to rig the coming elections for the ruling National Party candidates “this won’t prevent us from exercising our constitutional and legal rights and to continue demanding reform”
It is worth mentioning that the number of detainees among supporters of MB candidates Dr. Khaled Al Dib and Abdul Mohsen Qamhawi reached 63. some of the detainees were ordered released by the prosecution but the government refuses to let them go.