• MB News
  • August 29, 2007
  • 5 minutes read

Monoufiya Group Rearrested

Monoufiya Group Rearrested

After being released from the premises of the State Security Prosecution, Monoufiya MB members have been rearrested and, then, sent away to Torah Prison complex.


The detainees are:

  1. Abul-Fotouh Afifi, 85-yrs

  2. Eng.  Fathy shihab-Edeen

  3. Dr. Ashour Al-Halawany

  4. Ashour Ghanim

  5. Eng.  Mahmoud Abdullah


On his part, Eng. Ali Abd-Alfattah, an MB leader, considered the rearrest as an established security policy the Ministry of Interior treads, affirming that the regime attach no importance to court verdicts.


“This policy demonstrates the lack of penal evidence against MB members while standing for the integrity of MB members” Abd-Alfattah stated to ikhwanweb.


Worth-mentioning, the five Menoufiya detainees have been captured along with the two parliamentary bloc members Ragab Abu Zeid and Sabri Amer in April. While the two MPs released, despite rearrested and then released on bail, the rest of detainees remain in custody.