• MB News
  • May 31, 2007
  • 11 minutes read

More Detentions In Damanhur, Damietta And Monofiya

More Detentions in Damanhur, Damietta and Monofiya, Security Harass MB Candidates
The state security forces still continue its crackdown against supporters of Muslim Brotherhood (MB) candidates in the Shura Council election in addition to harassing the MB candidates themselves.
Fekri Al Adham, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate in the Shura midterm elections for the constituency of Damietta and Kafr Saad has faced many harassments from the State Security Police. The security services prevented a rally of cars scheduled to be organized on Tuesday in the MB candidate’s home village, Kafr Saad. Police cars blocked the way of the rally, arrested the driver of the car with the loudspeaker and booked him.
The security services used bullies to tear out and remove posters and other campaigning methods related to the Muslim Brotherhood candidate. They detained 4 Muslim Brotherhood members while they were hanging posters: Sameh Khattab ( lawyer), Sherif Al Esawi (teacher), Amgad Al-Sayyad (teacher), and Ahmed Fayed and they were released on Tuesday evening May, 29, 2007 .
The latest and most ridiculous of these harassments against the MB candidate was power outage. The security forces switched off power from the region of Ezbat AlLahm, Damietta , for three hours during which the MB candidate was holding election hustings. All the region lives was kept in 3-hour pitch-darkness to prevent him from meeting people.
In Damanhur: MB Candidate Released, 3 MB Leaders Detained
Security services in Damanhur detained three Muslim Brotherhood leaders in the governorate while they were accompanying eng. Hosni Omar, the MB candidate for the constituency. The MB candidate was released later after 3-hour detention, while eng. Mohsen Al Quweiei, Ibrahim Abdul Salam and Gaber Al Bishbishi are still detained.
The security services had obstructed them while the candidate was touring Shubra square in front of Al Gawhari mosque in Damanhur . The security forces prevented the MB candidate from shaking hands with any person during the tour, to the extent that the police commissioner who gathered thugs and criminals and state security detectives, said to the MB candidate: “If you moved even one step I will consider it a demonstration and I will deal with it toughly”. This raised the anger of the residents and chaos was about to prevail but for the MB candidate who intervened. The security cars are still carrying detectives to tear out posters in the city of Damanhur and its district Mahmoudiya.
In Gharbiya
In the village of San El-Hagar , Gharbiya, the posters of the MB candidate were removed. Ahmed Shaban Al Bashah, the chief guard, tore out and removed, helped by four other guards, the posters of engineer Khaled Shalash, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate for the constituency.
In Beni Suweif
In Beni Suweif, a group of  state security detectives kidnapped engineer Alaa Gaber and engineer Sherif Abdul Hamid, both are technical experts in the Authority of Experts, in front of their workplace and in broad daylight in front of passers-by.
In Monofiya
The security forces launched a sweep of arrests on Wednesday while raiding houses of some Muslim Brotherhood leaders. A number of supporters to the MB candidate Salah Samri were detained, including:
Yasser Al Nabawi Abdul Razek ( free business)
Eng. Ahmed Al-Gaz (agronomist)
Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Hammad (physician)
Dr. Nagah Abdul Moneim Atallah and his brother, Al Sayed Abdul Moneim Atallah.

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