- Palestine
- April 15, 2010
- 2 minutes read
Moscow warns: Expelling Palestinians would escalate tensions

The Russian foreign ministry on Wednesday warned of implementing the Israeli military order 1650 that went into effect on Tuesday and that allows the expulsion of thousands of Palestinian citizens from the West Bank.
Russian foreign ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko said that the decision would escalate tensions in the region and might lead to instability in the Palestinian land.
Following is the statement of Nesterenko on the Israeli decision:
“Israel’s possible implementation of these decisions is cause for the most serious concern. It may entail a further sharp aggravation of tension in Palestinian-Israeli relations and in the region as a whole and destabilize the situation in the Palestinian territories.
The planned actions look especially provocative amid efforts by the world community, primarily through the Quartet, to facilitate resumption of the Palestinian-Israeli negotiation process with the ultimate goal of establishing an independent Palestinian state living side by side with Israel in peace and security.
We have repeatedly in recent weeks underscored the urgent need to refrain from actions that prejudge the outcome of negotiations, and in general can dangerously “heat up” the situation. We reaffirm this Russian position and urge the Israeli side to reconsider its decisions and moves in the West Bank.”