MP Zahran: Gov’t is Responsible for Rising Unemployment

MP Zahran: Gov’t is Responsible for Rising Unemployment


Hamdi Zahran (member of the MB parliamentary bloc and member of the Education Committee at the PA) said in Thursday”s session that the government is responsible for the increasing numbers of unemployment among university graduates.


“University graduates are the wealth of Egypt that should shoulder the responsibility of progress and prosperity. Such graduates are highly encouraged in developed countries”, Zahran told the Parliament.


He called on the government to seriously seek solutions for unemployment through setting forth well-advised plans to eliminate such a problem.


He suggested that students and graduates should be updated and trained with the current needs and experiences of the marketplace to become more productive.


The Central Body for Mobilization and Statistics has recently issued a report saying that the jobless university graduate reached 51.1% among males and 48.8% among females. The unemployed ratio in rural areas mounted 34.3% against 65.7% in urban areas, he said.