• MB News
  • August 12, 2011
  • 2 minutes read

Muslim Brotherhood Calls on Palestinian Factions to Unite

Muslim Brotherhood Calls on Palestinian Factions to Unite

 In its weekly statement, the Muslim Brotherhood called on all Palestinian factions to put aside differences and put  their country’s well-being and interests above all else.

The group urged Hamas and Fatah to honor the signing of the reconciliation deal between them which took place in Egypt earlier this year and to revive the spirit of brotherhood, unity and sacrifice.

The MB stressed that despite circulating news alleging  the relationship is stable, true  reconciliation will only take place once Fatah is freed from the grip of foreign pressures, especially those of the U.S. and Israel.

The MB reiterated that former efforts of reconciliation between the Palestinian factions have been repeatedly thwarted by Condoleezza Rice and the last attempt between Hamas and Fatah was in fact looked upon by Obama’s administration as a threat to peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis.