Muslim Brotherhood Chairman Denounces Raising Shoes In Parliament

Muslim Brotherhood Chairman Denounces Raising Shoes In Parliament

Muslim Brotherhood Chairman Mohamed Mahdi Akef denounced what happened in the Egyptian Parliament during the past couple of days when two MPs raised their shoes during a dialogue over the on-going bloody massacres and genocide at the hands of Israelis in Gaza affirming that it is inappropriate behavior that goes against the foundations of Islamic morals.

In his statement to Ikhwanonline, Akef said, "We, the MB, do not approve this inappropriate behavior as we announce our refusal of it and affirm its contradiction with Islamic foundations and morals which should be demonstrated by MB members as well as MPs."

Akef further called on MPs to abide by the foundations of dialogue and etiquette of differing adding, "We must remain connected with the basic issue and avoid slipping into side issues that will divert us from the real goal upon which the nation has gathered."