- Islamic Issues
- September 11, 2010
- 2 minutes read
Muslim Brotherhood irked by Koran burning

CAIRO, Sept. 9 (UPI) — A plan to burn the Koran on the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States is a cruel attack on religion, the Muslim Brotherhood said.
The Rev. Terry Jones, the head of the Dove World Outreach Center, said he plans to go ahead with a Koran burning Saturday despite international condemnation of the event.
Jones and members of his organization said they planned to burn the Islamic holy book because they view the Muslim religion as "hateful."
Essam al-Erian, a spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, lent his voice to a chorus of voices expressing outrage over the plans announced by the non-denominational Florida church.
He described the scheduled protest as a "barbaric act, reminiscent of the (Spanish) Inquisition," the Muslim Brotherhood said on its Ikhwanweb site.
The spokesman added that the protest would fan the flames of Muslim hatred of the United States if Jones went ahead with his plans.
U.S. President Barack Obama in an interview with ABC News said the Koran burning would be a "recruitment bonanza for al-Qaida."