Muslim Brotherhood Leader Beltagy Accused of Shouting Out Loud

Muslim Brotherhood Leader Beltagy Accused of Shouting Out Loud

From the interrogation room in Tora Prison, Dr. Mohamed Beltagy, leading member of both the Anti-Coup National Alliance and the Muslim Brotherhood, wrote on Facebook:

Nasr City prosecutor’s office is not investigating the killing of over 3000 martyrs nor the wounding of more than 5000 peaceful protesters during the clearing of the Rabaa Al-Adaweya sit-in using the force of arms.

The prosecutor’s representative is not taking my statements as a victim regarding the killing of my daughter, one of thousands of martyrs killed on that day. Instead, he is questioning me regarding a novel, strange crime, unheard of even in Never-Never Land!

He said: “You are accused of shouting out loud in a way that causes sedition”!

I replied: “Where is this crime exactly in Egyptian law?

“What is the measure with which shouting out loud is considered a punishable crime?

“Is the limit of ‘shouting out loud’ criminalized by law measured against any specific musical instruments to assess whether the level or tone of the sound exceeds the ‘legal limit’?

“What are the subjects in which ‘shouting aloud’ is considered to lead to legally criminalized sedition? And are they political, moral or religious subjects according to the Articles of this strange new law?

“Finally, which of my words and speeches does the prosecutor’s office consider ‘shouting out loud’ that amounts to a crime punishable by law?”

The prosecutor’s representative replied: “There are no specific recordings. In any case, this is a charge brought against you”!

This is the prosecution service and the Egyptian judiciary under military rule! They are charging another fourteen known Egyptian patriotic figures with this same farcical crime.