Muslim Brotherhood MP Condemns Gov’t Violence Dealing With Candidates For Municipal Elections

Muslim Brotherhood MP Condemns Gov’t Violence Dealing With Candidates For Municipal Elections

Dr. Mohamed al-Jazzar, member of  MB parliamentary bloc, requested an urgent hearing for General Habeeb al-Adli, Minister of Interior, regarding the flagrant practices that took place before Damanhour”s Full Court; the police forces employed violent actions to deal with the MB candidates for the municipal elections in Al-Buhaira Governorate. Police arrested many of the cadidates and their advocates as well.

Al-Jazzar criticized the violent practices of the police facing the Egyptian people and ignoring the thousands of court orders to allow MB candidates to run for the elections.

In his urgent memo, Al-Jazzar indicated that the police forces shot the civilians with live bullets and tear gas, as well as using thugs and criminals to intimidate candidates!

He asserted that security forces dealt violently with candidates who have already had court verdicts enabling them to list their names on the ballots.