• May 18, 2006
  • 2 minutes read

Muslim Brotherhood Reaffirms Support for Judges

Muslim Brotherhood Reaffirms Support for Judges

In a statement of solidarity with the two reformist judges, Bastawisi and Mikki, who are in the center of a heated battle for reform, Dr. Mohamed Morsy, member of the Muslim Brotherhood Executive Bureau, in a statement to Ikhwanweb expressed the Muslim Brotherhood strongest support for the judges; “the Muslim Brotherhood unconditionally supports the judges in their demands for reform”.


He also criticized the security forces handling of latest demonstrations and its unjustified use of force and called it “illegal and unconstitutional”


Commenting on the Muslim Brotherhood parliament members’ reaction to a memo supporting the judges, Dr. Morsy said “the MB deputies, when asked to sign the memo, did not decline but only asked to study the memo before signing and since it had to be coordinated with the bloc’s chairman ahead of time”.


Dr. Morsy also added “The MB parliament members stood up with the judges during their demonstrations and never let them down” in addition “it was the MB members of parliament who presented the judiciary independence law to parliament and still fighting for its approval"